Last week, we asked this very question. We wanted to see what exactly the Bible meant. We’ve discussed previously that not all the Beatitudes are meant for “Christians.” That possibly, “blessed are those who are poor in spirit,” was meant for the none religious as a promise to them that God is actively for them and seeking them and wanting to fill them up.
Sp what does it mean to mourn?
Matthew 5:4
Luke 6: 21
As a group we noticed that Luke was more about the physical action of mourning while Matthew seemed to be more for the heart.
Matthew is pentheō G3997 to grieve (the feeling or the act):
Luke is G2799 – klaiō to sob, i.e. wail aloud (whereas G1145 is rather to cry silently):—bewail, weep. of those who mourn for the dead
We discussed what we think about that and how as humans we want to minimize that pain. As a society that we are not good at mourning or crying. We then pose the following question, why?
Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of
nature and the existence of free-wills involve, and you
find that you have excluded life itself”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
What are your thoughts and comments on this subject?