Relating to God

shareasimageSo this is a blog post from a while ago actually. But I spent a car ride with a group of wonderful ladies from my small group as we caravaned with a group to Spokane, and I was reminded of it.


Original Thread Published on: May 28, 2011:

So today I spent 6 hours in a car going to Seattle my best friend Josiah. I spent it with 3 of my best female friends, including my amazingly awesome and cute girlfriend. We had thought provoking conversations that hit a great range of topics. it made me wonder a lot, why I don’t see this kind of friendships in others. I know I’m probably blind to something, but it really struck me how really cool my female friends are.

This realization came after most of the conversation died and I suggested we listen to a podcast. The podcast was of Mars Hill Michigan and was going verse by verse through 1st John. I bring this up because after 10 minutes they suggested we listen to a book on CD called “Crazy Love.” I am in no way stating the legitimacy of either audio within the car, however I do want to make the point that I definitely was more amazed by God in the verse by verse analysis of the Bible vs. an author basically saying all of the cool amazing and awesome things God is, does, and did.

I bring this up because after listening to 5 minutes of “Crazy Love,” I was extremely bored and wondered what was going in twitter-land. In this I realize how different God makes us and the elements of which we enjoy, relate and grow in God. Its cool to me to see that while we’re so different we can have supremely profound discussion in other times relating to the majesty of God or how we relate to one another or church culture, etc.

God has created us so different, yet so similar. We all share similar needs, wants, desires. We long for family interactions, deep friendships, loyalty, futures, dreams and goals. Yet its the details that have blended us to be such a tight-knit sub-set of friends. Proverbs 18:24  (amplified) “The man of many friends [a friend of all the world] will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Although they are not blood or brothers, these are definitely my sisters and I am so blessed by God to have them in my life. As that stands, I can also sit through what I consider boring audio, because I know it blesses them and their hearts. <p>Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.</p>


For one, the posted by BlackBerry shows how old this post is.

I also forgot how much I miss my old friends and how I’ve allowed myself to get stagnant and hebetudinous (I looked that one up.) Although podcasts, misc. books, and spiritualized lifestyles are positive things, but seemingly greater than these are a shared religious lifestyle. I say religious because, I go with Saint Aquinas’s definition that states religion is,

In all thy ways think on Him. At the same time religion might be said to be so called because “we ought to choose again (re-eligere) those things which through our negligence we have lost,” as S. Augustine has noted.[35] Or perhaps it is better derived from “binding again” (religando); thus S. Augustine says[36]: “Let religion bind us once more to the One Almighty God.”

I say shared because we drastically need community to be build each other up. To guide, correct, grow, and have fun together in this life as we relate to God. Its awesome because there is a beauty in the differences we have.


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