Uber Lemon Pie

Ok so heres my guide to uber pie:

1 package of lemon filling

1 pint of HEAVY whipping cream


1 pint of milk minimum to just have on hand

2 tablespoons (the larger looking spoons) of sugar

Make sure you get the stuff i mention because it makes life easier:

Step 1. Follow the instructions on the pie crust and cover your container (i suggest a glass 8-9oz pie pan/dish) bottom.

Step 2. Follow the instructions for the lemon “Filling” . make sure you follow those instructions because its different than the lemon pudding ones. When it asks you to put in some whipping cream, use exactly 1/2 of the pint of whipping cream u bought.

Step 3. Pour the lemon filling into the pie dish and let refridgerate.

Step 4. Ok for the last one make sure your fridge is good our else the whipped cream ur gonna make is going melt.

A) put your metal mixing bowl in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
B) Pour the rest of the whipping cream into the metal mixing bowl
C) put the sugar in the bowl
D) Use electric mixer or electric hand mixer and whip it until desired texture. if your doing this by hand i would suggest putting small ice cubes in every 5min to keep it cold and trying to freeze it ya know?
E) Put into the freezer for 30min to solidify then move into the COLDEST place in your refridgerator

Serve whenever

hope you enjoy that :D

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